Spring of 1999
Zach: 2 1/2 years old
Me: 17 years old
a dinosaur-loving goofball.
our oldest ring bearer at the age of 6.
a dog loving, Harry Potter fan.
an "always ready to laugh at my husband's big kid antics" kind of kid.

and a movie loving, German studying, history buff at Winona State.
He is extraordinary.
October 1st, 2018. Zach turned 21 today as Conor Clement Sonnek entered this world, born to my brother-in-law, Tyler and his wife, Cheryl Sonnek. He has made me an aunt all over again. He has made his brother Mason a big brother, a title that will stick with him for the rest of his life.

Imagine an ocean
and that you took a few drops from the ocean.
The drops would not be the ocean--
they would be merely drops of it,
of the same essence and substance as the ocean but not the ocean itself.
In the same way we,
who burst forth from a passionate God,
made in God's image and likeness,
are not God.
But we are little drops of God.
(first 11 lines of a poem by Edwina Gateley)
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