As I read my morning devotion today out of Daily Reflections for Advent and
Christmas: Waiting in Joyful Hope 2018-19, I understood the significance of
this first verse from the Book of John in a whole new way, “In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” I’ve
often heard it said that actions speak louder than words. This is true, and
yet my devotion from today speaks of an even more powerful language,
that of words and actions together. The Word John speaks of, manifest each
Christmas as we remember the birth of God’s son, is love. God sent His
beloved to Earth, to save us. So, as Christians, God calls us to put this single
syllable word into action. On the page, love is made up of only four letters,
but once written on our hearts, it becomes uncontainable.
Christmas: Waiting in Joyful Hope 2018-19, I understood the significance of
this first verse from the Book of John in a whole new way, “In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” I’ve
often heard it said that actions speak louder than words. This is true, and
yet my devotion from today speaks of an even more powerful language,
that of words and actions together. The Word John speaks of, manifest each
Christmas as we remember the birth of God’s son, is love. God sent His
beloved to Earth, to save us. So, as Christians, God calls us to put this single
syllable word into action. On the page, love is made up of only four letters,
but once written on our hearts, it becomes uncontainable.
In my MOMS Bible Study, I recently read a story about a little boy who, when
asked if he wanted to let Jesus into his heart, replied, “Well, I’d like to, but I
got to figurin’...I’m so little and Jesus is so big--he’s just gonna stick out all over!”*
Yes, that is precisely why God sent His Son, to be in relationship with each of us,
in such a way that we cannot help but reflect His love. This little boy’s innocent
response revealed a wisdom so many of us believers take a lifetime to understand.
We cannot experience His love only to guard it under lock and key. Once we truly
know His love, the only action that makes any sense in response to God’s
irrational love for us, is more love.
On Christmas we celebrate the birth of an innocent child, a pure and spotless
lamb, sent to save the world. Don’t get me wrong, I love the image of this
peaceful baby cradled in his mother’s arms, but it is the man Jesus became,
what he said and what he did, that captivates my heart. The last words from
the prayer included in today’s Christmas devotion are, “Make us all your living
vocabulary of love.” That’s it. That’s all there is to it. Perhaps this resonates
so strongly with me because I am a language teacher and a lover of words.
Perhaps I love this sentence because I’m still only beginning to fully understand
what God's love for me means in how I live my life. Either way, this is my
Christmas prayer, that we might all be a “living vocabulary of love.”