Friday, February 18, 2011

On a Frigid Spring Walk in February

Two days ago I left the house in only my spring raincoat. Yesterday I walked around the pond in my winter parka and neck warmer pulled up to the tip of my nose.

With the dog in toe, I set out on a frigid spring walk in February. I found myself alternating between striding steadily atop patches of brownish green grass and creeping over sheets of white ice--the kind that melts and then refreezes when it's not quite time for the ultimate BIG thaw. Upon the grass, I wove to avoid dog and goose refuse. These remnants of the previous fall have now been exposed.

I teeter between longing for the pure snow of winter to remain, covering all that we'd rather not see, and reaching for the energy, warmth, and growth that spring brings.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What I most needed

What I most needed was what I least expected
An hour of shoveling in the dulled winter's sunlight
shimmer of snow beads steadily falling in the light
fresh air
deep breaths
busy muscles
clear mind